Berkeley Systems may be well-known for After Dark and You Don't Know Jack, but before all of that, they actually developed software primarily for the accessibility market...yes, really. Join Savvy Sage as he goes over the origin story of Berkeley Systems, their first software products, and their impact on the tech industry.

Back when screensavers actually served a purpose (to save CRT screens), Berkeley Systems took the concept a step further, creating what is often considered the ultimate screen saver collection...on mighty toaster wings. Join Savvy Sage as he takes a deep dive into the history of After Dark.

In the early 90s, After Dark was a screensaver of course there were books written about it! Join Savvy Sage as he uncovers two After Book guide books: Cool Mac After Dark and Art of Darkness! The latter book in particular also has a rather amusing story in it...

In this episode, I'll be showcasing not one, but two lesser-known trivia games from Berkeley Systems: Austin Powers Operation: Trivia and their forgotten swan song, Backstage Pass, along with their RARE pre-release builds!

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