Discord Server

Hang out and discuss with viewers, get notified of Savvy Sage news, get access to exclusive emojis, and join live sessions on the Savvy Sage Discord server!

You must agree to Discord’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines before you join.

Reasons to Join

Chat with Other Viewers!

We have several chatrooms available, including a chatroom for viewers, a tech chat, and a games chat! We also have forums for dedicated subjects (like screenshots) if you're up to that sort of thing.

Savvy Sage "Neon" Logo.

Get Notified of New Episodes!

When you join the server, you'll also get notified of the latest news from Savvy Sage, including new episodes!

Join Live Sessions!

Join us for fun live sessions and other goodies! Up for a multiplayer game? You got it! Want to discuss whatever's on my mind? You bet!

(Live sessions are typically recorded for use as footage in future Savvy Sage episodes, unless stated otherwise.)

One more thing… Consider becoming a Savvy Insider for $3/month and get the following:

  • Savvy Insider Role

  • Private Insiders Only text and voice chat (plus Insiders Only live sessions!)

  • Request to speak during Live Sessions

  • Early access to new episodes

  • Behind the scenes content

  • Bonus videos (e.g. Blooper Reels and Video Logs)

  • Helps fund future Savvy Sage episodes!