Dell Dimension XPS T550 Review (2016)

*The following video is being put up for archival purposes only.*

An old review of my Dell Dimension XPS T550 minitower PC, as part of the short-lived Computer Cellar series. (Not affiliated with North Carolina-based Computer Cellar)


What you’re watching is my first “professional” computer review of a PC, originally released on June 11th, 2016.

Let me just get this out of the way: Compared to my first Power Mac G4 review (also available through The Savvy Sage Vault), it is a HUGE improvement. While the background is still not final yet, the lighting is a lot better, and the table is actually centered correctly. There are still some focus problems with the camera (at the time I used a Canon PowerShot ELPH 110 HS, my first digital camera I owned), and there are scenes where you can clearly see myself moving (albeit in shadow) in the background.

The only thing that hasn’t changed much are the shots where the camera is pointing at objects on the table—that has continued on with the Savvy Sage web series.

I’ve since made some minimal upgrades to this computer: The CD burner optical drive was replaced with a beige DVD drive taken out of my Power Mac G4 (which I’ve replaced with a DVD burner from another scrapped G4 tower), and the hard drive was reformatted and repartitioned with a Windows 98/XP dual boot setup—everything else however remains mostly the same.

One final tidbit: The website I first showed on-screen was one of my side projects called “The Penn Central Fan Site”, later known as “Railfan Central”—this side project no longer exists as of 2018.

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